Rescuing wildlife from the illegal wildlife trade is at the forefront of our mission. Lao PDR is a landlocked country: predominantly rural, mountainous, and bordered by 5 southeast Asian countries. All these factors add up to making Laos a major highway for illegal wildlife trafficking. Animals are trafficked from as far as Africa to travel through Laos, often undetected by authorities and destined for neighboring China or Vietnam.
Our rescue team operates a 24/7 anonymous hotline and are ready to jump into action at any time of the day or night. We work closely with the Lao government to accept wildlife confiscated by authorities and can rescue it from anywhere in Laos. By having a reliable all-taxa rescue facility available, officials are able to swiftly confiscate illegally captured wildlife. This ensures justice for animals caught in the trade and gives them a second chance at a healthy life in the wild.
”Some wild animal populations are depleting faster than they could ever regenerate.
IUCN Red List, 2014
Our goal for all rescued animals is to rehabilitate and re-release them back into protected areas in Laos. Many of the species that come to us are endangered and are on the brink of extinction, so every rescue counts. Click to learn more about our rehabilitation and release work.
However, one of the tragic realities of the illegal wildlife trade is that the damage done to animals is often irreversible and the health or behavioral problems caused, often mean the animals can never be released back into the wild. This is where our critically important wildlife sanctuary and education projects come in.
If you see wildlife for sale or in captivity, you can ask for our assistance and get information on how to handle the situation on our report wildlife crime page.

Sponsor the rescue team
Rescue missions require a huge array of equipment to be able to rescue wildlife of all sizes, often in large numbers. Our rescue equipment needs regular upgrading, so we are always looking for sponsors to support us. If you are interested in sponsoring the rescue team, please see our wishlist or get in touch!